


Picnic at Tsurumi Ryokuchi Park

It has been more than a year since my last post. I didn’t plan to be inactive for so long, mind you. That’s why I didn’t get to say goodbye or talk about going on hiatus. I have been itching to update my blog several months ago but things just kind of gotten in the way. Now that things have finally all but settled down, I can finally get back into it. So here I am writing and welcoming myself back.

A quick rundown

I took a job in Japan last year and have been working my ass of in the land of the rising sun so as not to bring shame to my ancestors. Adjusting to a new line of work and settling into a new country kept me from posting anything new. Now that I am acclimated to the whole situation, I can get back to my blogging ways.

In the near future

My plan is to create a new post every two weeks. In terms of scopes and topics, my posts are going to remain largely the same. It is gonna be me with food, my travel adventures and life in general. And given the beauty of the country, you can expect many picture posts as I explore the places, meet people and experience its culture.



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